More Story Details in New MONSTER HUNTER WORLD: ICEBORNE Trailer

Capcom recently dropped a new trailer for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. This trailer focuses on the Old Everwyrm, and it’s pretty awesome. The Brachydios has also been confirmed to be joining the game with its explosive slime attacks alongside a new Elder Dragon named Namielle who uses water attacks. In addition, all players of World and Iceborne will get a Guardian armor set on September 4 for free. This set of armor is designed to help new players progress through the story. Iceborne will be available on September 6 for PS4 and Xbox One with PC users having to wait until January 2020. You will need the base game in order to play.

Discover the mysteries of the Old Everwyrm, and encounter the explosive Brachydios in #Iceborne! Brace yourselves! Catch a deeper dive on all this and #MHWorld updates in our Developer Diary #2: ©CAPCOM CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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