My Experience at BlizzCon Along With Cosplay Photos and WARCRAFT Merchandise

Last weekend I attended BlizzCon 2015. This was my very first time going to this event, and it was absolutely incredible! I had an amazing time and met some wonderful people. I haven’t played Warcraft or StarCraft since the 1990s, and it was really cool to see how those gaming franchises and the fans of them have grown over the years.

The opening ceremony was unlike anything I had ever attended before. It was way bigger than anything you would see in Hall H as San Diego Comic-Con. Almost every Blizzard fan that attended the convention was at that opening ceremony, and it began with an insane rumbling of madness! Ever freakin' seat in the place was full, and the whole room just rumbled with awesomeness as the show began. I don’t know how to explain it, but holy shit… It was so rad! 

I was there for only really one purpose, and that was to cover the Warcraft movie, but being at BlizzCon made me wish I were a part of this epic gaming community. These were some of the nicest people I had ever met. They were so welcoming even though they knew I wasn’t a part of their world.

To kick off the event, they showed off some incredible stuff for games that I had never even played, and you can read up on some of that stuff over at GameTyrant. The reaction of the crowd was incredibly fun to witness. It was like everyone was excited for everything! It’s not like San Diego Comic-Con where people are there for a thousand different things. These people were united for complete and utter Blizzard greatness, and that’s what they got.

When the trailer for Warcraft was screened for this crowd, they loved it! There was an excitement in the air that seriously blew me away. I only hope that general audiences will embrace the film because this movie seriously looks incredible. I’ve seen people say that it looks like a B-movie and that the CGI work is sub-standard, but I completely disagree with that in every way. That’s not what I saw from this trailer. I saw something insanely ambitious and epic in a way that could take the fantasy film genre to a new level. I saw it as the future, and it impressed the hell out of me. 

Then there were the cosplayers that attended the event. I’ve got to say…that was easily some of the best cosplay work that I have ever seen. I’ve included several photos of the cosplay below, along with photos from the event, which also includes some of the display pieces from the Warcraft movie along with some of the cool Warcraft toys and other merchandise that they were showing off. 

All-in-all I would absolutely love to attend BlizzCon again, and this time spend a little bit more time around the gaming stuff. I seriously am now considering jumping into World of Warcraft. I’m just scared that once I do, my work at GeekTyrant will suffer. Either way, I plan on attending BlizzCon again, just because I had so much fun this first time.

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