Over the weekend, Mystery Science Theater 3000 made its comeback via The Gizmoplex! The thirteenth season premiered with three new episodes this past weekend featuring Santo in the Treasure of Dracula, Robot Wars, and Beyond Atlantis. If you want to enjoy the new season, you can head on over to The Gizmoplex and choose the plan that works best for you such as the $150 Season Pass that gives you access to the new episodes via stream and download, the ability to rewatch livestream events, and even attend livestream premieres. Of course, you can also rent or buy episodes individually if that’s more your speed.

As Mystery Science Theater 3000 returns for its 13th season, the Mads – Kinga Forrester (Felicia Day), loyal henchman Max (Patton Oswalt), and grandmother Pearl Forrester (Mary Jo Pehl) – introduce the show's biggest, maddest experiment yet!

For the first time, not one, but three humans will be subjected to the bittersweet agony of watching the world’s cheesiest movies, as returning test subject Jonah Heston (Jonah Ray) shares hosting duties with the newest kidnapped Gizmonic technician, Emily Connor (Emily Marsh) and original host Joel Robinson (show creator Joel Hodgson). Accompanied by wisecracking robot pals Crow T. Robot (Hampton Yount / Kelsey Ann Brady), Tom Servo (Baron Vaughn / Conor McGiffin) and GPC (Rebecca Hanson / Yvonne Freese), our heroes will have to survive 13 new movies, 12 new shorts, and the unveiling of Kinga’s newest scheme for world domination: THE GIZMOPLEX, the First Cineplex on the Moon.

Will they finish the season with their sanity intact?

Did you catch the premiere of the new season? You can check out a clip from Robot Wars below.

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