Mystique Confronts Professor X About His Ego in Intense New Clip From X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX

A new clip from X-Men: Dark Phoenix has surfaced and in it we see that Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) is not happy with Professor X (James McAvoy) and how he is utilizing the X-Men team. It’s a pretty intense exchange as she calls Xavier out on his ego and recommends to him that they change the name of the team to X-Women because, as she points out, the women on the team are always saving the men.

While there’s not a lot of excitement from the fans regarding this movie, audiences are sure to flock to theaters to watch it and see how this final X-Men movie under the Fox banner comes to a close. All I’m hoping for is that it entertains me.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix hits theaters on June 6th.

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