Natalie Portman Reveals THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER Will Involve Jane Foster's Cancer Storyline


After Marvel Studios announced Thor: Love and Thunder and that Natalie Portman was coming back to reprise her role as Jane Foster, and that she will be Thor, fans were super pumped up about the story that it will tell.

The Jane Foster Thor storyline is based on Jason Aaron’s comic book run on The Mighty Thor, the story of which follows a cancer-stricken Jane Foster as she takes up the mantle and powers of Thor. Fans have been wondering if this is the story arc that we will see in the film. When previously asked about it director Taika Waititi said that it could make it into the film.

“I think that’s a really powerful part of the books. I think it’s really cool that she’s fighting this thing and there’s two battles going on. Personally I really love that storyline. But whether it ends up in the film is yet to be seen.”

Well, according to Portman, the storyline did make it into the film. In a recent interview with Yahoo!, the actress teased her role in the film, saying:

"I can’t tell you that much. I’m really excited. I’m starting to train, to get muscles. If there can be all these female superheroes, the more of them they are, the better it is. I’m trying to think — it’s based on the graphic novel of The Mighty Thor. She’s going through cancer treatment and is a superhero on the side."

This is great news because this is such a great and important storyline because lots of fans want to see it brought to life. One of the many things that I like about what Marvel does with their films is how they incorporate real-life heavy issues like this into the stories they tell. Doing this makes the characters in these films so much more relatable.

Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, and more are set to reprise their roles in the film, and I can’t wait to see what Waititi does with this storyline and how he incorporates it into the movie.

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