NBC Making SERENDIPITY Series Adaptation From 2001 Movie
NBC is making a series adaptation of the 2001 movie Serendipity. Don’t ask me why, I have no idea. The original film starred John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale. Guy meets girl, they fall in love, girl gives guy basically no personal information, and says if they’re meant to be, they’ll find each other, and they write their names and phone numbers on a book and a five dollar bill, and part ways.
Can I also mention they are both in other relationships at the time? Garbage human beings. Anyway, years pass, and the guy is engaged to someone but can’t stop thinking about that chick he knew for one day (eye roll). She is also in a relationship, but just has to find that guy that could totally be a serial killer, or at the very least, a dirty rotten cheater. So they set off to find each other, and of course they do, serendipitously. Stupid.
But I oddly find a crapton of people who love this dumb, dumb movie. So this series is for them. The series is being written and executive produced by Jonny Umansky, who is really excited about it. Here’s what he had to say to Deadline about it:
“I’ve been madly in love with this movie for more than half my life. Never has the world needed a show like Serendipity more, and the love stories we have in store are big, bold and filled to the brim with whimsy and wonder.”
Good for this guy. He sounds like he will give it his all, and all those fans out there will love it. Are you a fan of Serendipity?