Neill Blomkamp Set to Direct the GRAN TURISMO Film and Story Details Revealed

Sony Pictures has confirmed that a Gran Turismo film is in development and that District 9 director Neill Bomkamp will helm it. It was also revealed that the movie will be released on August 11th, 2023.

I’m a fan of the racing game franchise, and I’ve always enjoyed Blomkamp’s filmmaking style. This is just such a different kind of film project for him, and it’ll be interesting to see how he handles the story.

When it comes to that story, Sony Pictures confirmed that it will be based on actual events! The film “is the ultimate wish-fulfillment tale of a teenage Gran Turismo player whose gaming skills won a series of Nissan competitions to become an actual professional race car driver.”

This teen was able to translate his Gran Turismo gaming skills into real life through a series of Nissan competitions, resulting in him becoming a professional race car driver. This is actually a pretty cool story and it seems like it would work great for the movie.

With the film set to be released next year, the project will go into production soon. I imagine we’ll have some casting news to share in the near future. Stay tuned!

What do you all think about Neill Blomkamp directing Gran Turismo and the story that it will tell?

Source: Deadline

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