Neill Blomkamp Says DISTRICT 10 Will Be Based on a "Topic in American History" Worth Depicting in the Sci-Fi Sequel


Fans are looking forward to finally getting a sequel to the breakout sci-fi hit film District 9 that hit theaters over a decade ago. District 10 is currently being written by the original film’s writer/director Neill Blomkamp, who spoke to IGN after announcing he's joined game developer Gunzilla to make a multiplayer shooter.

When asked about District 10, Blomkamp said the sequel takes cues from "a topic in American history," and that it's taken so long to make because of his search for a topic worth depicting in the sci-fi sequel. He also gave the following update:

"That script continues to be written. It's looking good. It took a decade to figure out, to come up with a reason why to make that film as opposed to just make a sequel."

While South African history was at the center of the story in District 9, District 10 will be pivoting to events in the US. Blomkamp teased:

"There was a topic in American history that the second I realized that that fit into the world of District 9, it felt like an awesome way to do a sequel. So yeah, it continues to be developed and it's getting a lot closer."

Blomkamp didn't go into detail about what that topic would be, but I have full faith that he will deliver another great sci-fi flick for us to enjoy.

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