Netflix Subscriptions Expected To Surpass Cable Subscriptions By End of 2016
A chart online provided by SamuelWBennett is showing that the number of Netflix subscriptions will soon overtake the total amount of cable subscriptions in the United States. Currently, the number sits at 48.86 million subscribers for cable, and 47.5 million for Netflix.
While some part of this is due to the amount of cord-cutting that is happening across the nation, there's also a significant population who have both cable subscriptions and Netflix accounts. I even saw on my Comcast account yesterday that you can add a Netflix subscription to your cable account. Why you would want to do that and have to screw with Comcast's awful navigation system is beyond me, but it is an option.
It seems like more and more people I'm friends with are cutting cable out of their lives completely. Are you one of them? What would it take to get you to go back to cable television?