New Academy Award Standards Being Set Including 10 Film Cap on Best Picture Category


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has made a couple announcements this week concerning some changes they are going to be implementing and phasing in to the awards standards. One of the new changes is the 10-film cap they are putting on the best picture category. This takes the place of the fluctuating number of best pictures each year. I guess this gives some uniformity to the expectations, but I assume it will knock a film or two from the nomination occasionally, and that’s too bad.

They also announced what they call “the next phase of its equity and inclusion initiative, Academy Aperture 2025.” Here’s the description of the initiative:

This phased initiative will further the Academy’s ongoing efforts to advance inclusion in the entertainment industry and increase representation within its membership and the greater film community. The first phase of the initiative outlines specific goals for the Oscars® and Academy governance, membership, and workplace culture.

Academy CEO Dawn Hudson said of the announcement:

“While the Academy has made strides, we know there is much more work to be done in order to ensure equitable opportunities across the board. The need to address this issue is urgent. To that end, we will amend—and continue to examine—our rules and procedures to ensure that all voices are heard and celebrated.”

Academy President David Rubin added:

“Through the dedication, focus, and concerted effort of our Board of Governors and members on the branch executive committees, the Academy has surpassed the goals of our A2020 initiative.  But to truly meet this moment, we must recognize how much more needs to be done, and we must listen, learn, embrace the challenge, and hold ourselves and our community accountable. Academy leadership and our Board are committed to ensuring that we continue to weave equity and inclusion into the fabric of every Academy initiative, committee, program and event.”

Inclusion and equality are always steps in the right direction. It was cool to see Parasite come in and sweep the awards this past year, as it was a new and different story that we would not have seen if we didn’t have voices from different countries bringing us new ideas. What do you think of the changes coming to the Academy?

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