New AVENGERS 4 Casting Brings Us an Older Version of Cassie Lang Which is Sparking Lots of Fan Speculation

Other than the fact that Avengers 4 will focus on a group of new superheroes that we won't see much of in Avengers: Infinity War, like Ant-Man, The Wasp, Hawkeye, and Captain Marvel, we don't know much about what the story will entail. Sure, we all have our theories on what might happen, but today an interesting new clue has surfaced regarding Scott Lang's daughter Cassie Lang.

The Hashtag Show has confirmed, via their sources, that actress Emma Fuhrmann has been cast as an older version of Cassie. Scott Lang's daughter has been played by Abby Ryder Fortson in the Ant-Man and Ant-Man and The Wasp. She's supposed to be about six or seven years old in the sequel and Fuhrmann is significantly older than that.

We know that the story for Ant-Man and The Wasp is set right after the events of Civil War, but before the events of Avengers: Infinity War. With Ant-Man playing a big role in Avengers 4, it would make sense that Cassie would be a part of that story.

With Cassie being older in Avengers 4, one thing that it tells us is that the film is going to be set a few years in the future, which makes sense because there would be a few years that pass between the events in Civil War and whatever events take place in Avengers 4

There's also the fact that Cassie Lang is one of the key members of the Young Avengers as Stature or Stinger in the comics, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that they could be setting that whole thing up. One of the more far-out theories is that there's always the possibility with time travel, Time Stones, and alternate dimensions, an older Cassie Lang could appear in a different timeline where Thanos hasn't hasn't destroyed half the universe and a Young Avengers team exists. 

Here are the theories that the report gives us:

We can only speculate about why Fuhrmann, who is significantly older than Fortson, was cast in Untitled Avengers…so that’s what we will do. Two scenarios come to mind: either Ant-Man and The Wasp and Untitled Avengers are separated, in the cinematic timeline, by a number of years, or, as many fans have theorized, Untitled Avengers could involve time travel. Of course having an older Lang lends itself, almost inexorably, to the speculation that we could see her take on one the super-personas from the comics: Stature or Stinger. Many fans believe that a Young Avengers film could be one of many on Marvel Studios future slate, so introducing Cassie as Stature would certainly fuel those fires. 

This is all just speculation, for all we know, they just need to recast Cassie with an older actress because of the time jump, and nothing really crazy is going to happen with her. What do you all think about this casting and these theories? 

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