New AVENGERS: ENDGAME Poster Reflects the Heroes' Pasts, While Marvel's Promo Campaign Soars to New Heights

Here’s a cool new poster for Avengers: Endgame for you all to enjoy today that shows three of our original Avengers looking to their pasts — possibly for strength in this time of uncertainty, wherein they must dig deep within themselves to accomplish the task at hand. It’s been fun to see the latest clips and posters and photos and art this week as we are now in single digit days until we get to the release of Avengers: Endgame, the culmination of 22 movies, and the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Pretty exciting, guys!

And our excitement is not only anticipated, but it’s being counted on by the Marvel and Disney executives. Endgame has been given the largest marketing campaign in history with a reported $200 million already spent on the merchandise, the TV spots, the ads, and everything else getting us pumped up for the movie!

It’s pretty smart though, because the movie is set to make more than that just in its opening weekend, and the toys and clothes and everything else are as popular as ever and seem to just keep getting cooler.

Check out the poster below and let us know how pumped you are for Avengers: Endgame!

Via: Deadline

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