New Books Coming For CALL OF CTHULHU June 20

Chaosium is releasing two new books on June 20 for the Call of Cthulhu TTRP: Cults of Cthulhu and A Time to Harvest. Both were originally released as PDFs in 2021 and if you made a digital purchase at you will receive a coupon for the price of the PDF off the hardcover.

A Time to Harvest is a 6-part campaign book. Set in 1930 in the sleepy town of Cobb’s Corners, Vermont your team will investigate a student who died during an expedition in the Vermont Hills. Originally published as an Organized Play series, the book completely revamps the campaign with updated rules, art, and setting information. The book goes to great lengths to detail the primary setting of Cobb’s Corners so that you can use the town in other Call of Cthulhu games as well as giving players plenty of inspiration for new investigators.

Cults of Cthulhu will give keepers 5 complete and unique cults complete with a ‘Cults Worksheet’ to create their own antagonists. The book also contains a detailed history of the various cults of Cthulhu from the Victorian Era to modern day so no matter what time period your game is taking place you’ll have cult information to work with. It also comes with three ready to play scenarios focusing on different cults in different eras including modern and gaslight settings. 

These both sound like amazing books for anyone who already plays Call of Cthulhu or who wants to get started in the game. I’ve only played one short game of it, but it was some of the most fun I’ve had playing a TTRPG, so if you haven’t tried this system out I highly recommend it.

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