New Details on the Early Look of the Millennium Falcon in the HAN SOLO Film; Plus New BTS Photos

Some new details have surfaced regarding the Millennium Flacon in Ron Howard's upcoming Han Solo film. Those details include what the early version of the space craft will look like, specifically the paint job, and info on how it handles cargo. 

Before we get into that, though, Howard has shared a couple new photos from the set of the film. The first features a fight between a couple people in what looks to be a Cantina – the home to various scum and villainy from around the galaxy. The second photo comes with the caption "a dark and strange new corner of the galaxy". It looks like that might be actor Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo on his knees. 

Now I'll move on to the details for the Millennium Falcon. If you don't want to ruin the surprise, don't read ahead. The following info comes from Making Star Wars:

The Falcon is brand new and owned by Lando in the untitled Han Solo film. It has blue detailing all over it with a white base coat of paint. The other interesting detail is that we finally see the Falcon doing what it is supposed to do with cargo. Basically there’s an attachment that hooks into the front of the ship’s front “forks” and that elongates the front of the ship. It looks seamless but can also detached to drop a shipment of spice if Imperial entanglements get too complicated. The center of the ship allows for access to the cargo.

They also offered the following this following image saying, that the paint is not unlike this old image of the Falcon showing the Revenge of the Sith paint scheme":

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