New DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Starter Set Available at Target Now

The new Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle is available at Target now. Coming in at $19.99, this box set is perfect for those wanting to get started with the game and even for those who aren’t ready to commit the amount of money it takes to buy all the various rulebooks.

The set comes with a 48 page adventure booklet, a 32 page rulebook for playing characters levels 1-3, 5 ready to play characters with character sheets, and 6 polyhedral game dice. If you have been wanting to get into the game or if you have a kid who wants to try it out, this would be an excellent box to get.

Not only is this starter set out, but coming this fall there will be a new D&D Club kit. This will be perfect for schools, libraries, and organizations that want to incorporate the educational and social benefits of role playing games into their programs.

I love that D&D started out as being part of the Satanic Panic and now we have come to see the huge educational benefits it provides and are looking to help more kids get into the game. Keep an eye out for this new Club kit if your kid has been looking to start their own D&D club at school.

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