New Fake Streaming Service NESTFLIX Features the Fake Movies and Shows That You've Seen Within Real Movies and Shows


Another new streaming service? That might sound overwhelming. Not when you hear about Nestflix, though. Nestflix is a fake streaming service created by web designer Lynn Fisher that features tiles devoted to over 400 fake movies and TV shows that have been featured in other movies and TV shows.

They had to have been shown in the movie or show, and not just talked about or shown in a poster. I was bummed about that, because I was hoping to have seen all the great titles of movies featured in Seinfeld, but there are still some fun ones to explore.

Some of my favorites are Crime Scene: Scene of the Crime from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Honey and the Beaze from Stuck on You, and Angels With Filthy Souls from Home Alone. Check out the site for yourself, and have fun!

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