New Fan Theory Suggests Alfheim Will Play a Role in AVENGERS: ENDGAME
We have seen eight of the nine realms portrayed somewhat prominently throughout the MCU. A fan theory is now suggesting that we’ll see the final realm, Alfheim, in Avengers: Endgame. That’s not a bad thought considering it would feel weird to leave only one realm out. The theory comes from Reddit user mushbert and he goes into some decent depth. Of course, before we get to the theory, here’s a brief recap of the eight realms we have seen:
Midgard (AKA Earth)
Jotunheim (Home of the Frost Giants as seen in Thor)
Svartalfheim (Home of the Dark Elves as seen in Thor: The Dark World)
Vanaheim (Seen at the start of The Dark World)
Nidavellir (Where Stormbreaker and the Infinity Gauntlet are forged as seen in Avengers: Infinity War)
Niflheim (Hel as seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron)
Muspelheim (Home of Surtur and Fire Demons as seen in Thor: Ragnarok)
Alfheim is the home of the Light Elves, and well, here’s the theory in full:
That’s a doozy of a theory, don’t you think? It does have some merit though. I think of the three scenarios that mushbert posits, my money would be on the second one being true. Do you think Alfheim will play a role?