New Footage Surfaces From the Cancelled STAR WARS Game 1313 and Features Boba Fett on Coruscant

Some new unseen footage from the cancelled Star Wars game 1313 has been released online. It’s been years since this game was cancelled, but it’s still cool to see what this game would have entailed. It’s a shame that this game got cancelled.

The video clip features three minutes of gameplay footage of the infamous bounty hunter Boba Fett walking and through the streets of Coruscant before giving chase to two targets he’s after.

The game was named for Level 1313, “a ruthless criminal underground deep below the surface of the planet of Coruscant, the game puts players in control of a deadly bounty hunter as he uses an arsenal of exotic weaponry to hunt down his marks and uncover the truth surrounding a criminal conspiracy. Star Wars1313 emphasizes epic set pieces and fast-paced combat with a hero who uses human skills and gadgets, rather than supernatural Force powers, to make his way through this dangerous world.”

Star Wars 1313 was originally announced back in 2012, and was cancelled just one year later in 2013, when Disney purchased LucasArts. Check out the footage below and tell us what you think!

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