New International TV Spot for BATMAN V SUPERMAN Debuts Cool New Footage
We've got a great new international TV spot for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for you to watch that offers us some exciting new footage. This is actually a pretty dramatically cut trailer that has some great action in it, including Batman headbutting Superman in the face and more. I have a feeling that the fight between these two characters is just going to end in a draw before they have to team up to take on Doomsday, but we'll just have to wait and see. Batman v Superman hits theaters on March 25th.
드디어 기다림은 끝났다! 전세계가 주목한 대결!<배트맨 대 슈퍼맨:저스티스의 시작> 예매 오픈!'신과 인간의 대결 영상' 최초공개!같이 보고 싶은 친구 @소환하고 좋은 좌석 먼저 예매하자!* 지금 예매하기:
Posted by Warner Bros. Pictures on Sunday, March 13, 2016