New JOKER Poster Art and Todd Phillips Has Discussed Sequel Ideas with Joaquin Phoenix

We’ve got a couple of new pieces of poster art to share with you today for the upcoming DC film Joker. As you’ve heard, the film has been showered with all kinds of praise. If this movie actually ends up doing well at the box office, you know Warner Bros. is going to ask for a sequel. The question is will that sequel happen? Probably not.

During a recent interview with Jake Hamilton, director Todd Phillips has shared that he has “bounced around ideas” with Joaquin Phoenix, but also says that the film is meant to only be a standalone movie. He said:

“Well, I don’t think we’re gonna make a second one. That’s just not in our plans. But for fun, have me and Joaquin bounced around ideas? We were doing it when we were shooting, because that’s what you do sometimes.”

Now, while a sequel to Joker will probably never happen, Phillips would love to work with Phoenix again at some point. He told Total Film:

“I would do anything with Joaquin, any day of the week. There’s nobody like him. If he was willing to do it, and if people show up to this movie, and Warners came to us and said, ‘You know what? If you guys could think of something…’ Well, I have a feeling that he and I could think of something pretty cool.”

The filmmaker went on to clarify that “something” would not be a sequel to Joker. But, if they ever did decide to make a sequel, they’ve got ideas for it! I’m really curious to see how this film ends up doing at the box office and to see what general audiences think about the film. While the critics are loving the hell out of it, as we know, general audiences and fans may not feel the same way.

If the movie does well at the box office, do you think WB will push for a Joker sequel?

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