New Material From Deceased Comic Mitch Hedberg Could Be Coming Soon

New material from comedian Mitch Hedberg could be on the way, and fans have his widow Lynn Shawcroft to thank for it. Shawcroft recently wrote a guest column for The Hollywood Reporter that detailed her disparity after Hedberg's death, and how she became a compulsive hoarder after he passed. As sad as that is, she noted there is a silver lining in the fact that she has a treasure trove of unreleased jokes, notes, audio recordings and footage that fans have never seen before:

Mitch was constantly jotting ideas onto paper. I have boxes and boxes of his notebooks, envelopes stuffed with hotel pads and scribbled-on napkins. I even found an airplane barf bag covered with notes. When he wasn’t writing, he was talking into a microcassette recorder, so I also have boxes of microtapes of him practicing and perfecting his material — material that’s never been heard. And then there’s the footage. Mitch and I shot four of his shows on 16mm. That’s enough for a brand-new concert film. And there’s other film Mitch shot himself, with his voiceover. Enough for a documentary. A documentary that he could narrate himself! I kept all the film and tapes and notes in three big iron safes in a cabin we had in the mountains. But about eight months ago, I took it all out of the safes and brought it back to L.A. I found an office in a production company and I’ve been digitizing everything ever since.”

I, for one, would love a documentary about Mitch Hedberg. His comedy album Mitch All Together played on repeat in my room when I was in high school, and I still throw it on from time to time because those jokes never seem to get old. For those not familiar with Hedberg, or just in need of a reminder of his hilariousness, check out this video below and let us know if you'd love to see new material from the comedian:

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