New Photo of Joker From Zack Snyder's JUSTICE LEAGUE and New Details Shared About a Reshot Ending

A new photo of Jared Leto’s Joker from Zack Snyder’s Justice League has been shared, and in this one he’s wearing a crown of thorns and posing like Jesus. I’m not sure what this all means, but there it is!

When previously talking about bringing Leto’s Joker into the film, Snyder said:

"The Joker is really the only thing that I thought of in retrospect. But I will say that it was always my intention to bring Joker into that world."

Joker is included in one of two new scenes that Snyder shot for his four-hour cut of the film. If you want any more details on what the scene entails, proceed below the spoiler alert point below. Before we get into that, though, we have some additional details to share with you that were shared with Vanity Fair.

When it comes to the question of if the Snyder Cut ever did actually exist, the answer is yes, but it was unfinished:

When Snyder left Warner Bros., he took his laptop, which was emblazoned with a Justice League sticker. On the hard drive was his original, nearly four-hour version. It was devoid of visual effects, music, and all the fine-tuning that make a movie a movie. It was also in black and white. To him, it was a memento. He thought, ‘We would just show it to random people who stopped by, like our friends or whatever.’

The HBO Max version that will be released won’t be exactly like the version that Snyder was originally planning to make. Certain characters have been added to the film like Jared Leto’s Joker, while other plot points have been cut, such as a romance between Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne and Amy Adams’s Lois Lane. In regards to that Snyder said:

“The intention was that Bruce fell in love with Lois and then realized that the only way to save the world was to bring Superman back to life. So he had this insane conflict, because Lois, of course, was still in love with Superman. We had this beautiful speech where [Bruce] said to Alfred: ‘I never had a life outside the cave. I never imagined a world for me beyond this. But this woman makes me think that if I can get this group of gods together, then my job is done. I can quit. I can stop.’ And of course that doesn’t work out for him.”

It’s also revealed that Snyder’s new Justice League will also include a reshot ending that features a mind-blowing “hero cameo.” The report says:

He can say to hell with DC’s official time line for the characters and let this alt version of the Justice League story wind up wherever he pleases. He has put Superman in a sleek black suit instead of the iconic blue and red. He’s added the Joker (Jared Leto). He has reshot the ending with a hero cameo that will blow hard-core fans’ minds.

It’ll be cool to see who this “mind-blowing” cameo will involve. Martian Manhunter? Green Lantern? Anyone else you can think of?

As for Joker’s scene, below you’ll find details that were previously shared.

It’s revealed that the Joker sequence in the new cut of the film is set during “a sequence set on a ruined Earth after the alien tyrant Darkseid invades and decimates the planet. It’s a dream sequence, a psychic vision, experienced by Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne that reveals what will happen if the superheroes fail to stop the onslaught. Joker is sort of the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come, supplying motivation through terror.”

Snyder explained:

“The cool thing about the scene is that it's Joker talking directly to Batman about Batman. It's Joker analyzing Batman about who he is and what he is. That’s the thing I also felt like fans deserved from the DC Universe. That is to say, the Jared Leto Joker and the Ben Affleck Batman, they never really got together. It seemed uncool to me that we would make it all the way through this incarnation of Batman and Joker without seeing them come together.”

The filmmaker went on to say that “the scene explains why Bruce had the Joker card taped to his gun that you see in Batman v Superman.”

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