New Photos For Marvel's THE NEW MUTANTS Features The Smiley Men, Demon Bear, and More

We’ve got a series of new photos to share with you from Marvel’s The New Mutants. These new images offer us our first look at the villain The Smiley Man, Demon Bear, Limbo, and more. The movie looks like it’s going to have some pretty cool visuals and I’m looking forward to the day where we will finally be able to watch this movie! I’ve gotta say, The Smiley Man looks creepy as hell. It’s something straight out of one of my nightmares.

The New Mutants currently doesn’t have a release date, so fans are still wondering how long we’ll have to wait before we see it. From what I hear, though, Disney still plans on releasing the movie in theaters. This is definitely a film I want to see on the big screen.

The New Mutants is “an original horror thriller set in an isolated hospital where a group of young mutants is being held for psychiatric monitoring. When strange occurrences begin to take place, both their new mutant abilities and their friendships will be tested as they battle to try and make it out alive.”

It’s also explained that this place the mutants are in is not a hospital. It takes their greatest fear and makes them live through it until it kills them. When previously talking about the film, director Josh Boone said:

"It’s funny, [the studio] so emboldened by Deadpool and Logan and stuff that they really let us… I can’t believe they’re letting us make this movie.”

He went on to explain the reason he felt like that is because the movie is fucked up. But he also wanted the story to grab your heart and make audiences cry:

"If you knew all the stuff in it, I still am like, ‘Do they know how fucked up this movie is?’ It is, but we’re trying to make something that would make you scream just as much as it’ll grab your heart and make you cry. Truly, I’ve shown a couple of scenes to people where everybody who saw them cried and I was like, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to make people cry.’ So be excited, because that would be something that hadn’t been done before, I think, for most horror movies."

The cast for the film includes Anya Taylor-Joy as Magik, Charlie Heaton as Cannonball, Maisie Williams as Wolfsbane, Henry Zaga as Sunspot, and Blu Hunt as Mirage.

Source: Cinefix via CB

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