New Poster for THE RISE OF SKYWALKER and J.J. Abrams Says the Trailers Only Scratch the Surface of What the Film Is — GeekTyrant

New Poster for THE RISE OF SKYWALKER and J.J. Abrams Says the Trailers Only Scratch the Surface of What the Film Is

We’ve got a new piece of poster art to share with you for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker today that was released by Dolby Cinema. I love the visual of the X-Wing fighter facing off with a fleet of Star Destroyers! That’s badass, and I hope that’s an actual scene in the movie!

Also, in case you’ve felt that the trailers for the film have shown too much, director J.J. Abrams explains that the footage we’ve seen for the film so far barely even scratches the surfaced of what this movie entails. While talking to Entertainment Weekly, the director was asked if there were major action set pieces that have yet to be teased in any of the promo material. His answer was:

"The trailers that have come out are scratching the surface of what the movie is. Yes."

So, there are plenty of surprises in store for us when we go see this movie! It’s also going to be an information overload. John Boyega said that when he read the script he had to read it multiple times to soak it all in.

"I read the script six more times because there was so much information in there."

Well, let’s hope that Abrams pulls off a miracle and delivers a great conclusion to the story! The movie is set to be released in U.S. theaters on December 20th.

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