New Promo Spot for Hulu's Maddening Psychological Thriller RUN Starring Sarah Paulson

Hulu has shared a new promo spot for the upcoming psychological thriller Run, which stars Sarah Paulson as an intense and overbearing mother to her wheelchair bound teenage daughter, who is being played by Kiera Allen.

The film tells the crazy messed up story of a mother raising her daughter, Chloe, in isolation, and Chloe discovering that her mom is more dangerous and threatening than it appears. The film comes from Searching director Aneesh Chaganty.

Run is described as an “intimate thriller” that “takes place in one house, and the film is focused almost exclusively on just two characters.” Here is the full synopsis:

They say you can never escape a mother’s love… but for Chloe, that’s not a comfort — it’s a threat. There’s something unnatural, even sinister about the relationship between Chloe (Allen) and her mom, Diane (Paulson). Diane has raised her daughter in total isolation, controlling every move she’s made since birth, and there are secrets that Chloe’s only beginning to grasp. From the visionary writers, producers and director of the breakout film Searching, comes a suspense thriller that shows that when mom gets a little too close, you need to RUN.

When previously talking about starring in the film, Allen said:

“I believe this will be the first studio movie ever starring a wheelchair user, and just to be part of a historical moment like that is really, really exciting. But the more exciting thing for me was just the character and the story, and to be able to play a part that was really about the character and not about the disability. And it was written so richly, and with such specificity and detail, which really gave me a lot to play with. But I never felt like he was casting just to be inclusive, I really felt like it was a collaboration.”

In a separate interview, Allen addressed the opportunity of playing a disabled character, saying:

“To see a character in a wheelchair who is, not to give too much away, but who is really kind of a hero and is her own person, and has her own mind and her own journey independent of her disability, and to see a character whose journey is really not defined by her disability; it’s defined by who she is as a person is a really cool thing because I’m an actor, I’m a person first. I don’t come in to play a disability, I come in to play a person and to have that opportunity is really cool.”

Run was originally going to be released in theaters on May 8th. The movie will now be released on Hulu on November 20th.

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