New STAR TREK Supercut Video Features a Compilation of Self-Destruct Sequences

I don’t know why, but I’ve been seeing a lot of Star Trek supercut videos pop up online recently and I find myself getting sucked into them. It seems so silly, but they entertain and they remind me of things that I’ve forgotten about the franchise.

This latest video features a compilation of scenes that feature self-destruct sequences from the Star Trek films and TV shows. It was created by John DiMarco, and this was the note that came along with the video:

Code 000 destruct 0! As a last resort, to prevent their ships from falling into the wrong hands or other similarly dire consequences, Starfleet captains will sometimes initiate the self-destruct sequence. These sequences can vary between different ships (or space stations), and in this video we will be looking at the many self-destruct scenarios in Star Trek.

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