New TERMINATOR TV Series Will Connect with New Films

There's a new Terminator TV series going into development! Skydance Productions and Annapurna Pictures are not only teaming to bring us the new movies, they will also be developing the TV series as well. 

Producers have hired Thor and X-Men: First Class writers Zack Stentz and Ashley Miller to write and executive produce a new series, which will be in conjunction with the new feature films being released. 

According to THR, the TV series will follow "a critical moment from the first Terminator film (1984) and, where the film's story goes one way, the upcoming series will take the same moment in a completely different direction. As the rebooted film trilogy and the new TV series progress, the two narratives will intersect with each other in some surprising and dramatic ways."

This sounds like a pretty epic undertaking. Kind of like what Ron Howard wanted to do with the adaptation of Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. 

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, was the previous Terminator series, and I thought is was pretty good. I have high hopes for this Terminator franchise reboot. it has the potential to be incredibly epic. They seem like they are being very ambitious, so let's hope it all pays off.

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