New Trailer for The Keanu Reeves Detective Thriller EXPOSED
A new trailer has been released for Keanu Reeves' upcoming thriller called Exposed. Reeves plays a detective who is searching for the truth about his partner’s death. In the process, he comes across a woman who seems to take the story in an interesting direction. She claims to have witnessed some kind of miracle.
The movie was directed by Gee Malik Linton, a personal physical trainer for stars such as Tobey Maguire and Anne Hathaway. He’s written and directed some short films as well, but he's managed to work his way into the business and a feature film director.
When a detective starts to investigate his partner’s shocking death, he uncovers disturbing evidence of police corruption and a dangerous secret involving an unlikely young woman.
The movie also stars Ana de Armas (Knock Knock) and Christopher McDonald (Happy Gilmore), and it really looks like it could be a decent mystery thriller. I've heard that the script for the film is great, but the trailer shows off some cliché dialogue. Regardless, I'm curious about this movie, and I'm going to see it.
Exposed opens in theaters and on iTunes on January 22nd, 2016.