New WONDER WOMAN 1984 Photos and Details Revealed Thanks to Entertainment Weekly

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we’ve got a series of new photos to share with you from DC’s upcoming Wonder Woman 1984. The cast and crew also talk about the film, sharing some new details about the story and characters.

It’s explained that when we pick up with Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) at the beginning of the film, she’s working at the Natural History Museum in Washington, D.C., and she lives a quiet, lonely life. After what she experienced, she’s just trying to help people who need it. Producer Charles Roven said:

"She has not only had the loss of [Chris Pine’s] Steve Trevor. [but] she’s lost nearly all the people that are important to her because they’re not immortal, and her life is actually quite lonely and spartan. In fact, the only joy that she gets out of it is when she’s actually doing something for people, if she can help those in need."

Obviously, things are going to pick up for her in this movie as Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) ends up coming back, and she will have some new big bad villains to face off with, one of which is Dr. Barbara Minerva, a.k.a. Cheetah (Kristen Wiig). When talking about taking on the character Cheetah, Wiig said:

"I did not really know so much about Cheetah. Before I even talked to Patty [Jenkins], there was an idea that maybe it might be about being a villain for the movie, so I went online and looked at all the villains of Wonder Woman to try to figure out which one, because I was so excited, And I was really, really happy to find out it was her.

"I’ve never really played someone who walks into the room and owns it — especially when she starts out so insecure and self-deprecating. We didn’t want to see Barbara in Cheetah, and I didn’t want to see Kristen in Cheetah, either."

As for the return of Steve Trevor and how his character will be handled in this movie, Pine explains:

"In the first movie, I played the world-weary soldier who has seen all the depravity that humankind is capable of displaying. And in this one I get to be much more wide-eyed and joyful. My role is really just as a friend, lover, boyfriend-cum-bodyguard who’s trying his best to help Diana on her mission. I’m like the Watson to her Holmes."

Director Petty Jenkins went on to talk about Pine being cast as Steve Trevor saying:

"He’s not beta at all. He’s a super alpha who can absolutely wear his discomfort on his sleeve. So, from day one, I was always saying that it should almost be like Wonder Woman meets Indiana Jones, where Indiana would never be emasculated. Chris just very naturally has that quality. You can tell by meeting him that he’s warm and he’s chill and he truly appreciates women."

We don’t know exactly how Pine comes back, but I’m pretty sure that it has something to do with Pedro Pascal’s villainous Maxwell Lord, who has the power to grant wishes of sorts. Pascal talked about his character a bit saying:

"Max is a dream-seller. It’s this character who encompasses a component of the era which is, you know, ‘Get whatever want, however you can. You’re entitled to it!’ And at any cost, ultimately, which represents a huge part of our culture and this kind of unabashed — it’s greed.

"It’s f—ing greed, of course. But it’s also about ‘How do you be your best self? How do you win?’ So he’s definitely the face of that version of success."

I’m looking forward to seeing how the story plays out for all of these characters and what it all ends up leading to. One thing that we do know it leads to is Wonder Woman getting her Golden Eagle armor, which we’ve seen in the trailer. It’s revealed that the armor is made of carbon fiber and weighs upwards of 44lbs. When talking about the costume, Gadot says:

"In the light it’s always liquid, moving. There’s a feeling of non-flatness. Because in the comics, she does fight her mightiest battles in the golden suit.”

When talking about her character she added:

"I think that when I just started, I didn’t understand the magnitude and how much this character means to people. I was feeling like the little girl who’s supposed to climb the Kilimanjaro mountain, scratching my head and thinking, ‘How the hell am I going to do this?’ But now I feel like I know where I’m going and I know what we’re doing. If in the first movie Diana didn’t understand the complexities of mankind, now she completely understands it. She loves people, and I think that’s the key to this character, you know? She has the powers of a goddess, but she has the heart of a human."

Wonder Woman 1984 will hit theaters on June 4th.

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