Nick Offerman Talks About His Petition to Audition For THE LORD OF THE RINGS Films

Actor Nick Offerman is best known for playing the woodworking, meat-eating, straight-faced government employee Ron Swanson in the fan-favorite series Parks and Recreation. But if he’d had it his way, he also would have been known for starring in the beloved Lord of the Rings franchise as well. He has spoken many times about his love of the book series, which he read as a kid, and his attempts to repeatedly reach out to director Peter Jackson when he found out the films were being made.

In a recent interview with i09, Offerman says he originally asked Jackson in several letters if he could audition to play his favorite character, Samwise Gamgee, but when he didn’t get a response from Jackson, he went through the proper channels and took any audition he could get. He ended up reading for the role of Gimli the Dwarf, which ended up being portrayed by John Rhys-Davies. Offerman was clearly bummed that he missed out on the dream role, but he still speaks kindly about Jackson’s films as favorites of the actor.

If you could play a role in the adaptation of your favorite book, what character would you play?

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