Nickelodeon Debuts TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Collection Featuring Art By Lily Stock

In June VicaomCBS NIckelodeon launched PROSPECT 100, a competition for aspiring designers aged 16-25 to reimagine the iconic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. After lots of judging and voting, Lily Stock won the contest. Veronica Hart, Executive Vice President, Global Franchise Planning said:

“We were blown away by the creativity in the submissions we received. Lily Stock’s reimagination of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was striking and unique, and we are thrilled to showcase these new designs for fans to enjoy with this official collection.”

Stock said of the experience:

“I had a reminiscent blast designing this poster as it reignited my love for the TMNT franchise! I gave the design a timeless, organic aesthetic to symbolize the age of the series, whilst utilising vibrant colours and dynamic poses reminiscent of the Rise series to reflect on the modern vibe of the characters today. I designed each Turtle using colour tones of their designated bandanas, matching the pose to their overall personality. The poster flows up and down, allowing the eye to cross over every character as they follow the water bursts and abundance of colour, with their instructor and father-figure Splinter being the main focal point!”

Now you can get your hands on the collection featuring her artwork including on tees, hoodies, tote bags, phone cases, and pop sockets ranging from $14.99 - $50.25 USD. The main piece includes Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo, Splinter, and Shredder. You can also grab everything featuring just one turtle if you prefer to show off your favorite. You can grab all these items now on Amazon. Which redesign is your favorite?

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