Nicolas Cage Wants an R-Rated GHOST RIDER Movie with a New Actor in the Lead
Nicolas Cage starred in two Ghost Rider films and they were not that great. I only saw the first one, and while I enjoyed it at the time, I look back on it and realize how bad the film itself was. After the two films, Ghost Rider just disappeared from movies but did get a part in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. after several years. I know there are plenty of Ghost Rider fans that would love to see a great movie and Cage himself has said what he thinks needs to happen for one to happen:
“Y’know, Ghost Rider was a movie that always should’ve been an R-rated movie. David Goyer had a brilliant script, which I wanted to do with David and for whatever reason they just didn’t let us make the movie. But that movie is a still a movie that should be made, not with me obviously, but it should be an R-rated movie-heck, Deadpool was R-rated and that did great. Ghost Rider was designed to be a scary superhero with an R-rating and edge and they just didn’t have it worked out.”
I could definitely see an R-rated Ghost Rider film actually being great as it wouldn’t have to be as careful of what the audience sees. I also think it’s a good sign that Cage recognizes that he shouldn’t be Johnny Blaze again. While Marvel has not announced any plans to bring the Spirit of Vengeance back to the big screen, I want to know who you would cast in a new film and what story you want told.
Source: CBM