Nintendo Power Glove Reprogrammed to Work as a Drone Remote Control

I remember when my friend got a Nintendo Power Glove when I was growing up. He didn’t know how to work the damn thing, and he wouldn’t let any of his friends play with it and try to get it to work. After a couple of weeks, we never saw him playing with it again and since he never let us try it out, we never asked him if we could try it out. When I finally did get a chance to play with it, it wasn’t as cool as The Wizard made it out to be. It was pretty much useless, but it sure did look cool, though!

An inventive dude by the name of Nolan Moore got himself a Power Glove and replaced the electronics inside with the remote tech to control his drone. 

The AR Drone 2.0 uses WiFi for control. His power glove has an IMU to sense motion, and flex sensors in the fingers. These sensors are monitored by a Teensy LC board which then sends commands over WiFi using an ESP8266 module.

His version of the Power Glove works better as a remote control for the drone than the Nintendo controller it was originally designed for. Check out a video of it in action below.

We saw this awesome quadcopter demo at Bay Area Maker Faire. Nolan Moore replaced the electronics inside a Nintendo Power Glove so that he could use it to control his Drone. The AR Drone 2.0 uses WiFi for control. His power glove has an IMU to sense motion, and flex sensors in the fingers.

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