Nintendo Releases Another Trailer for METROID DREAD
Nintendo has given us another trailer for Metroid Dread highlighting more gameplay and story elements from the game. We’ve seen most of the weapons that are displayed in the trailer, but this one helps give a name and explanation to them which is nice to those new to the Metroid franchise. We also get to see more Chozo since the last trailer, adding to the mystery of what they are doing on the planet and why they are so hostile to Samus. I think there are two likely answers. One, this group of Chozo don’t know Samus and think she may have stolen their technology. Given how far flung across the galaxy the Chozo seem to be and how much of their tech Samus obviously uses I don’t think this is a terribly unlikely thing. My other thought is that these Chozo are being controlled by the parasite found on this new planet. Maybe these Chozo came to put an end to the X parasite and got taken over before they could finish their work? Whatever the case, these Chozo are definitely hostile to Samus, so not only will you be contending with E.M.M.I robots and monsters, but you’ll have deadly Chozo encounters as well. I’m still stoked for this game and it makes me happy that Nintendo is showing the Metroid series some love. This will definitely help hold me over until more of the Metroid Prime series is released. You can preorder Metroid Dread now or wait for it to release on October 8.