Now is the Perfect Time to Start Reading THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS Manga Thanks to Humble Bundle

I’m a huge fan of The Seven Deadly Sins anime that is on Netflix. I haven’t had the chance to go back and read the manga, but now may be the time to do it. Humble Bundle is offering up the first 22 volumes plus some other manga including some volumes of Ghost in the Shell, Ajin: Demi-Human, and Inuyashiki for as low as $15. If you go up to $20+ you’ll also get a healthy amount of Battle Angel Alita and some exclusive wallpapers and sneak peaks as well as a video of Yukito Kishiro drawing Battle Angel Alita. That is several hundreds of dollars worth of manga for as low as $20!

The great thing about Humble Bundle is that not only is it pay-what-you-want, but you can choose where the money goes. You can decide how much goes to the creator, Humble Bundle, or even charities. Hurry on over and get your manga for the summer!

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