OBI-WAN KENOBI Series Set Photo Features The Stuntmen For Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Since there’s a good amount of stunt work in Lucasfilm’s Obi-Wan Kenobi series, there are stuntmen to step in the shoes of Ewan McGregor’s Kenobi and Hayden Christensen’s Darth Vader. Now we’ve got a behind-the-scenes set photo to share with you today that puts the spotlight on these stuntmen.

The photo below features Tom O'Connell as Darth Vader and Ross Kohnstam as Obi-Wan. I have massive respect for stuntmen and stuntwomen and what they do. I mean, they put themselves in dangerous, sometimes death-defying situations for our viewing entertainment.

The photo was shared by O’Connell, who also included the following note: "David Prowse. Bob Anderson. Hayden Christensen. Spencer Wilding/Daniel Naprous. I'm beyond honored to help fill the massive shoes for this go 'round. Thank you Deborah Chow. Thank you #jojoeusebio. Thank you Ewan! Thank you Hayden! Thank you universe!”

They actually had a Darth “Vader movement specialist” come in to help the actor and stuntmen bring Vader to life. Christensen previously said:

"That was something that we spent a lot of time working on. And this suit really just informs the way you move....We had this woman who was like a Vader movement specialist, and she made sure that we were always in the right ballpark. Certainly, we wanted to make sure that we were staying true to how Vader moves and how we perceive him, and wanting to keep all that relatively consistent." 

So, that’s a job! If you have perfected the art of how Vader moves, you could actually make some money off that knowledge! Crazy.

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