Official POKEMON ASMR Videos Are a Thing

ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response, and I don’t think I experience it, but I’ve been told that it’s a tingling feeling when you hear certain sounds. There’s a wide variety of sounds that can do it for different people, and apparently Pokémon has decided to throw their hat in the ring.

They have released two ASMR videos on official YouTube channels after all. The first features Chespin eating what appear to be macarons, and the other is a Charmander next to a campfire. I have no idea if they plan to make more or what they could be, but are there any ASMR Pokémon videos you would like to see in the future?

聴いていて心地よい癒やしの音、ASMR。 もぐもぐ幸せそうなハリマロンと、咀嚼音が癖になっちゃう! あなたもハリマロンと一緒に、おやつの時間にしてみては? (イヤホン・ヘッドホンをして聴いてみてね) === ポケモン公式YouTubeチャンネルではヒトカゲのASMRも公開中! 【ASMR・焚き火音】ヒトカゲといっしょ ●チャンネル登録はこちら ●ポケモン公式サイトはこちら ポケモンに関する最新情報をお届け ! ©2019 Pokémon. ©1995-2019 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc. ポケットモンスター・ポケモン・Pokémonは任天堂・クリーチャーズ・ゲームフリークの登録商標です。 TM and Ⓡ are trademarks of Nintendo, Creatures Inc. and GAME FREAK inc.

聴いていて心地よい癒やしの音、ASMR。 キミのそばで安心して眠るヒトカゲといっしょに、焚き火の音に癒やされてみては? (イヤホン・ヘッドホンの着用がおすすめ!) === ポケモンKids TVではハリマロンのASMRも公開中! 【ASMR・咀嚼音】もぐもぐハリマロン This is a ASMR video for those who need a gentle Pokémon touch in everything! Watch/listen as Charmander sleeps quietly by your side, with only the crackling sound of burning woods as an accompaniment to the peaceful image. Earphones are recommended for optimal effect.

Via: Polygon

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