Older Oscar Voters Seem to be Ignoring GET OUT
Get Out was one of the most popular films last year and although I haven’t seen it, I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. In fact, Get Out has been nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Original Screenplay. That’s four big Oscars. That’s why it’s surprising to hear that some of the older Oscar voters are ignoring it. Vulture talked to some of the newer voters and one of them said that they had some off-putting conversations with older voters:
“I had multiple conversations with longtime Academy members who were like, ‘That was not an Oscar film,’ said one new voter. And I’m like, ‘That’s bullshit. Watch it.’ Honestly, a few of them had not even seen it and they were saying it, so dispelling that kind of thing has been super important.”
I know that there are a lot of movies and therefore not every voter can watch every film. However, you’d think that a film nominated for four Oscars, including Best Picture, would get some more attention.