Olga Kurylenko Set to Star in Dystopian Sci-Fi Action Thriller UNIFY
Olga Kurylenko, known for her roles in Quantum of Solace, Oblivion, Max Payne, and Black Widow, is set to star in a sci-fi action thriller titled Unify. Directed and written by Jonathan Hopkins (Slumber), the film is set in a dystopian future and tells the story of a refugee mother who holds the key to humanity’s salvation in the war against A.I. but is being hunted by a technological enemy.
In the story, “Anastasiya (Kurylenko), a refugee mother from New York searching for her lost son, must face the threat with the unexpected help of Eve, a woman caught between humanity and the grip of the relentless virus. Recognizing that her liberator holds the key to defeating their technological enemy, Anastasiya vows to escort her to the safety of the refugee camp. Following them are infected, technologically enhanced humans determined to block humanity’s escape from A.I. control.”
Myriad has acquired rights for the action-adventure drama from BoxFly and Ostara Pictures, and will launch the film to buyers at this month’s European Film Market, which runs alongside the Berlin Film Festival. The film will begin production in October.
via: Variety