Original SHANTAE Game and XTREME SPORTS are Launching on Switch and GameBoy Color
Shantae launched on the Game Boy Color back in 2002 with limited quantities made. WayForward sees that this can be a bit of a problem in getting fans to experience the original game in the franchise. To help make the game more accessible they’ve teamed up with Limited Run Games and will be releasing authentic reproduction cartridges to be used with a Game Boy Color. In addition, Shantae is being brought to the Nintendo Switch both digitally and physically. Pre-orders for the physical version will be available in September.
First released in 2002, Shantae is the groundbreaking action-adventure-platformer that introduced players to the eponymous Half-Genie heroine. In her debut title, Shantae hair-whips, dances, and transforms as she seeks out four elemental stones throughout Sequin Land to put a stop to the nefarious lady pirate, Risky Boots. Highly sought by fans and collectors, Shantae is often considered to be among the pinnacle of Game Boy Color releases.
In addition, WayForward’s Xtreme Sports is in the same boat and getting the same treatment. Pre-orders for the physical version of Xtreme Sports will be available in October.
Having recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of its June 2000 launch, Xtreme Sports is a one-of-a-kind sports-themed action-RPG. As contenders Guppi or Fin, players must master five events — skateboarding, surfing, in-line skating, skyboarding, and street luge — by partaking in more than 100 breathtaking sports battles to outperform the competition and become the Xtreme Sports Champion. Are Guppi and Fin XTREME enough to win it all!?
Shantae’s co-creator Matt Bozon released the following statement:
Over the last decade, Shantae has built up a thriving fanbase, which is a dream come true! Unfortunately, this also means that the majority of Shantae fans missed out when it came to owning a copy of her first adventure, which had a very low production run back in 2002. These days buying a copy on the collector’s market could cost upwards of a thousand dollars! Thanks to Limited Run Games, everyone will have a chance to own a copy of the original Shantae, along with Xtreme Sports, our first foray into handheld gaming, which laid the groundwork for Shantae. Both Shantae and Xtreme Sports are lost gems that you won’t want to miss!
I’m excited to play both of these games and I think it’s cool that they’re being brought back for the Game Boy Color.