Original STAR WARS Storyboards Featuring Iconic Scenes Surface Online
Some original storyboard art has surfaced from George Lucas' original Star Wars movie. The art features some iconic scenes that fans of the films will easily recognize. We also have a photo of a signed early edition of the script, which was originally titled, The Adventures of Luke Starkiller as taken from the 'Journal of the Whills.' This incredibly awesome collection of Star Wars history is currently up for auction, and if you want to get a piece of the action on October 17th through Profiles in History, it's probably not going to be cheap. Every time I come across something like this I am so happy that these movies exist. There was a chance than none of this could have ever happened, and I just can't imagine a world without Star Wars. One of my favorite illustrations in the set is one by concept artist Joe Johnston of Lucas "manning camera" in a scene from The Empire Strikes Back.
Via: Gizmodo