ORION Is a CG Animated Fan Short Based on Jack Kirby's NEW GODS

Mario Escudero has created a fun CG animated fan film called "Orion." One of the things that makes this short so cool is that it's based on Jack Kirby's DC Comic New Gods. The short centers on the hero Orion, the son of Darkseid, as he finds himself battling an army of alien creatures on a desolate planet, which I assume is Apokolips. The short may not be feature film quality work, but it's still great and worth checking out.

A Mario Escudero Film. 3D Animation Fan-short film based on DC Comics characters "New Gods", created by Jack Kirby. This shortfilm is in no way affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. Orion Shortfilm is a non-profit film for the private use only, and is not intended for sale of any sort

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