Outstanding Trailer For Michael Shannon and Andrew Garfield's 99 HOMES

Here's the first trailer for 99 Homes, a new film starring Michael Shannon as a man who evicts Andrew Garfield's family from their house. Garfield is down on his luck so he goes to work for Shannon, and as the trailer reveals, he ends up becoming just like him. This is a spectacular trailer, and it makes me think that this movie could end up being one of my favorites of the year.

Joey had the chance to see it at Sundance earlier this year (read his review), and after seeing this trailer, I'm now incredibly jealous. 99 Homes arrives in theaters on September 25th.

Set amidst the backdrop of the 2008 housing market catastrophe, Dennis Nash (Andrew Garfield), a hard-working and honest man, can’t save his family home despite his best efforts. Thrown to the streets with alarming precision by real estate shark Mike Carver (Michael Shannon), Dennis, out of work and luck, is given a unique opportunity—to join Carver’s crew and put others through the harrowing ordeal done to him in order to earn back what’s his. Delicately training his eye on the rigorous details, the reliably astute Ramin Bahrani imbues his characters with icy complexity to achieve his compassionate portrait of a man whose integrity has become ensnared within an all-too-relevant American crisis. With precision and care, Bahrani’s provocative character study applies all the cinematic tools at his disposal to explore the ethical dilemma at the heart of man’s struggle to reach higher—by whatever means necessary.
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