Owen Teague Set to Star in the New PLANET OF THE APES Film That's in Development

20th Century Studios and director Wes Ball (The Maze Runner) have been developing a new Planet of the Apes film, and they just cast Owen Teague (It, The Stand) in the film. Teague will take on the role of the lead ape in the movie.

There’s not much known about the story for this new film, but Ball previously shared that “Ceasar’s legacy will continue.” This film will be set in the same universe that was set up in the previous trilogy. Ball also previously teased: "We have a take. We have a way of staying in the universe that was created before us, but we're also opening ourselves up in being able to do some really cool new stuff.”

He went on to add: "Again, I'm trying to be careful here. I'll say this, for fans of the original three don't worry – you're in good hands. The original writers and producers that came up with Rise and Dawn, Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, they're also on board with this. Josh Friedman is writing this thing, a lot of the same crew is kind of involved. We will feel like we're part of that original trilogy, but at the same time we're able to do some really cool new stuff. It will be really exciting to see on the biggest screen possible."

Well, I hope that Ball and this creative team can actually deliver another great Planet of the Apes film. The films in the last trilogy really set a high bar!

The studio hopes to start production on the film before year’s end. Do you think Ball has the talent and skills to make another great Planet of the Apes film?

Source: Deadline

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