PACIFIC RIM: UPRISING Created the Relationship Necessary to Make a Live-Action GUNDAM Film
About a month ago, at Project Anime, Gundam fans found out how Legendary Pictures ended up getting the chance to make a live-action Gundam film. It certainly helped that Legendary had included a cameo of the Unicorn Gundam in Pacific Rim: Uprising. Getting that cameo created a relationship that gave Sunrise confidence in the studio.
Ken Iyadomi from Sunrise talked about how that relationship was obviously a factor, but another was the fact that Legendary features a smaller team which in turn leads to quicker decisions. Quicker decisions mean that the production is less likely to end up in development hell and if it does, it should be out a lot quicker than a larger studio. Iyadomi also mentioned that he was grateful that Legendary was willing to listen to Sunrise’s input for the project saying, “They didn't just want to take the license and do their own thing with it.”
On the Legendary side of things was Robert Napton who talked about how there seems to have been a shift that would better allow for solid anime adaptations citing the Gundam cameos in Pacific Rim: Uprising and Ready Player One as preparing fans for a Gundam film. He also talked about the Hollywood side of things though:
“There’s been a generational shift in Hollywood. A lot of the producers who are now working in Hollywood grew up on anime.”
To further boost fan’s confidence in Legendary being attached to the project, Napton said he believes the studios work on the Pacific Rim and Godzilla properties help show their geek cred for Japanese pop culture.
Details for the film are still incredibly sparse, but we do know that Brian K. Vaughan is set to write the adaptation. Many fans know Vaughan from his work on comic books, but Napton explained that Vaughan is also an avid Gundam fan thusly, “He completely understood everything in Gundam Narrative.”
Are you excited for a live-action Gundam film?
Via: ANN