Party With Sina Grace In One Shot Story ROCKSTAR AND SOFTBOY
Cartoonist Sina Grace (Getting it Together) is coming out with a new one shot story, Rockstar and Softboy. Here’s the official synopsis:
Rockstar and Softboy is a frenzied story following two best friends and their antics in Hollyweird, CA. Rockstar plans the greatest house party ever as a means of lifting roommate Softboy’s spirits, but things take a gnarly turn when the dreaded PARTY ANIMAL shows up to make a mess of things... and dredge up long held secrets between two BFFs who seemingly share everything!
The book promises a refreshing take on the buddy concept. I really like the art style of this story and the concept sounds interesting, so this could be fun to check out. You can get a copy in bookstores on March 1, 2022 or digitally on Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.