Pathfinder Special #1 Review - Ghosts From The Past
Written by: Jim Zub
Art by: Kevin Stokes
To say I enjoyed the Pathfinder Special #1 is an understatement. I loved it, but maybe I’m bias. I’ll admit I have affection for the lovingly crafted world Paizo has created, and Zub and Stokes bring that world to life while giving the characters that look so damn cool on the DM screen well developed personalities that don’t just consist of brooding and anger.
This one shot special is a fun, if not complicated, tale of revenge, but it's the camaraderie of Kyra and Merisiel that makes it so entertaining. Actually, scratch that. Their burgeoning friendship is a big part of that entertainment, and as important is the wonderful art by Kevin Stokes. The style he employs doesn't fit every type of story, but it fits this one like a glove. No one has to even say a word for us to get the gist of their personalities since their faces are so expressive, and his action scenes are full of motion and, as cheesy as I am for admitting this, reminds me of the unbridled fun of an old Hercules episode -- man I loved that show.
The story itself isn't something that’s going to shock you, but I don’t believe it's meant to. There is room for fun and adventure in books, and I think that description fits this book perfectly. Its a nice introduction to these two, but above all to a universe that is full of possibilities, and I look forward to seeing more of that potential realized down the road.