Patrick Stewart Confirms That Was His Voice in the DOCTOR STRANGE: IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS Trailer

When fans started speculating that Patrick Stewart was reprising his role as Professor X in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. I wasn’t 100% convinced. In the trailer, we hear a voice, similar to Stewart’s, tell Strange, "We should tell him the truth."

I’ve been conflicted about this because while it would be cool to see Stewart back as Professor X, I was hoping that Marvel wouldn’t introduce Fox’s X-Men universe into the MCU. I was hoping to see them start from scratch. But, who knows how this will all play out when these mutant characters are introduced.

Well, Stewart has confirmed his involvement in the Doctor Strange sequel in an interview with Jake's Takes. So, I’m convinced now! When talking about a potential meet-up between Strange and Professor X, the actor shared:

"Professor X would be extraordinarily cautious and watchful, and perhaps feel a little insecure because there is something that is potentially dangerous about this man. I think that would put Professor Xavier on guard." 

Stewart was then tricked with a question and asked to talk about his reaction to hearing the voice in the trailer when it dropped on Super Bowl Sunday, Stewart said:

"I had my phone turned off as it happened, so I didn't hear anything. It wasn't until the next morning when I woke up and looked at my phone and found that I had been bombarded with responses. My PR people had sent me reactions that they had detailed and passed onto me.

"I actually didn't recognize my own voice. It sounded different. Whether I had a cold or something at the time, I don't know. I was astonished — and all they saw was the back of my shoulder and I think my earlobe, nothing else — that there would have been so many connections made. But it pleased me [to see the reactions]." 

So, that comment right there confirms that was indeed his voice! I’ve got to say I’m actually kinda surprised. Because I wasn’t completely sure it was his voice. But then we have Stewart saying here that he didn’t recognize his voice either! So, I feel better knowing that it wasn’t just me that felt that way about his voice.

Anyway, you can listen to Stewart’s confirmation in the video below at the 10:35 mark. So, now that Stewart have confirmed it, let us know what you think!

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