Patrick Stewart Opens Up About Leaving Professor Xavier Behind Him After LOGAN, Playing Picard and More
Patrick Stewart has had an amazing life as an actor. He's played all sorts of roles, most famously, Captain Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Professor Xavier in the X-Men films. He met with Deadline recently and talked about his career and his experiences and it's pretty cool.
He's chatted before with different media outlets, but it's still nice to hear how he feels about all the things he's done. One thing, in particular, he talks about is how he feels about finishing playing Xavier. It's really beautiful. He talks about how he didn't plan on quitting the role at the start of the film production, but at the screening of the film, Logan, he felt that it was a beautiful way to end the adventure.
I agree. While I'm still excited about seeing more X-Men movies in the future, Stewart's performance as Xavier in Logan was truly brilliant. One of the best performances in a superhero movie I've seen. Check out the video on Deadline's Youtube page. The interviewer asks Stewart some good questions and it's just a marvel to listen to Stewart speak.