Paul Feig Is Having a Rough Time Getting His Universal Monster Movie DARK ARMY Made

A few years ago it was announced that director Paul Feig (Ghostbusters, Bridesmaids) was working on developing a new monster film for Universal Pictures titled Dark Army. The film was going to “tie into the Monster universe” and it was going to “include characters from Universal’s classic monster library and original characters created by Feig.”

Well, the filmmaker is having a rough time trying to get this movie made. He previously said that the script for the film is one of his favorite things that he’s written, but the studio doesn’t want to spend a lot of money to make it.

When asked about the project in a recent interview with Collider, he offered an update saying, "That's one that's driving me crazy. The problem with that is that some people read it and think it's too expensive. I never saw it that way, but that's what I hear. I'm still working on it and trying to get it to that sweet spot, but it's hard. I don't even want to tell you about a couple of other things that we can't get sold. It's like, 'Oh, my God, who wouldn't want this?' But probably every producer in town feels that way too."

Maybe they just don’t want to invest in a big-budget film project with Feige. He’s mostly worked on medium-range budgeted films. One of his most high-profile projects was Ghostbusters, but that one bombed. Regardless, Feig is still holding on to hope that his project will get made saying, "Yes, of course. Yes. I have to make a monster movie. I have to make my monster movie."

When previously sharing his excitement and love for the film the filmmaker said, "I love that project so much. I think the studio thinks it’s a little too expensive, perhaps. God as my witness, I’m gonna make that movie. I’m so obsessed with making that movie. One of the many reasons why I was drawn to doing this current Netflix [movie] is that there’s a lot of stuff I can work out in it, as far as effects and all that, that I can bring to Dark Army. I love it. It’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. It’s one of my favorite lead characters I’ve ever come up with. So, fingers crossed that we will make it someday."

We’ll just have to wait and see. While I’m curious to see what he wants to do with this movie if it never gets made, It won’t matter because we’ll never know what we’re missing.

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